Friday, April 3, 2009

Test of Balance

As a Realtor putting in long hours nights and weekends is hard especssially with three kids under 3 year old. However the flexiblity of mornings and afternoons to run is well worth it, it's a good balance, just don't tell Lisa that.

Currently work is very busy and I am having to make time to run based of my work and family schedule (yes running comes after family and work). So my usual Tuesday and Thursday mediem/hard effort runs were made into maintainance runs. Wednesday I was able to sneak in 8.5 miles along White Bear Lakes southeast boarder which was a good run as the snow fell. It will probabley be the last run of the season with the snow is falling around me. There is something about running in snow and rain that puts you in the zone and makes you very aware of your thoughts and body as put in a good effort. It was a nice farewell to winter.

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